How Christian Statesmanship Protects the Littlest Ones Among Us

John Quincy Adams and his wife Abigail moved to Philadelphia after his presidential term was over.  They advocated for the emancipation of the slaves, as Adams served as a Senator in the Capitol after the Revolutionary War. They were ostracized as they labored faithfully against the status quo of slavery, in their old age, when others would have retired in comfort. 

This was the heart of the Adamses who cared about and served their community all their lives.  Abigail Adams declared that Christians are responsible for the character of our elected representatives. Churches who empower church members to be involved in education, prayer, and activism, are teaching them to manage a stewardship that has some of the most far-reaching implications for the gospel in our lives.   Jesus said the critical division between the sheep and the goats, genuine believers and fakes, was that the sheep cared for the orphan, widow, prisoner, and the needy.  The type of legislation that we vote for determines the quality of life of those very orphans, widows, prisoners, and the needy.  So, does our influence, or lack of influence, affect how those precious groups live and die, and how easy it is share the gospel with them?

A precious group that In this day and age has been battled over is the babies in the womb, and the struggle is over their sanctity of human life.  The dark evil of abortion on demand throughput all 40 weeks is a cancer.  The cancer of the Holocaust of the Innocents was initiated by a handful of people, and it has spread to our whole country to the horrific toll of 65 million little baby Americans. The majority of babies killed in abortion are targeted because they’re black. This cancer is reminiscent of the way the cancer of slavery started with a handful of victims and grew to infect the whole nation. Whether we realize it or not, we’ve experienced what it was like for Christians to coexist with slavery and for Christians to coexist with the Jewish Holocaust. 

Many Christians feel that they personally reject abortion on demand, and therefore they are not complicit in abortion.  The sobering reality is that we have allowed the laws that we are responsible for, to be legislated for the mass murder of little baby Americans. In particular because of their skin color. Even our tax dollars have been hijacked to pay for the slaughter of little babies. So it’s not enough to refuse to kill a baby, we must fight using every tool that we can, to reject wicked legislation and restore legal protection for little babies’ lives.

Since they are completely unprotected, although bald eagles, sea turtles, and snail darters are rigidly protected, the lack of protection has allowed the completely depraved, evil exploitation of their little bodies.  Unrestricted abortion on demand is used to kill the little babies, and then to sell their body parts. The cannibalization of the little babies is so unconscionable and horrific that it seems that people have not really grasped the reality of what is happening.  If our manufacturing industry, pharmaceutical industry, and research see the little babies’ bodies as another commodity and a natural resource, then are we at a point in history where the baby’s cries are reaching to heaven? Are we coexisting with the Holocaust of ten times more innocents than perished in the Jewish Holocaust? Are we a church that has chosen to be undisturbed about genocide in our neighborhoods? Have we chosen to go along with the authorities, and lost the conviction of the holy spirit that leads us to be willing to lose friends, go to prison, or lose income? 

May the church use every tool that we have to speak out against the Holocaust of the Innocents. May God give us God-fearing leaders who will listen to heaven, and be willing to fight to end the slaughter and cannibalization of little baby Americans.